Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ballot Recommendations

Page 1, all Democrats except Republican, Steve Cooley, doing excellent work for under-privileged poor folks. Harris is also a good candidate.

All Judges: Yes.

Page 2 (overleaf)

All Judges: Yes.

School: Larry Aceves

School District: No endorsement

County: Steve Hintz

Page 3, Props:

19. You’re on your own with this. We favor legalizing all drugs (except methamphetamines) for a number of reasons, primarily because of the devastating consequences that our hypocritical “war on drugs” has on foreign countries that supply our demand (Mexico and many others.) See “The Politics of Drugs”: aspects.html

The Mexican government is on the record opposing this initiative, but we consider that position to be politically motivated.

On the other hand, it’s a poorly constructed bill that MAY cause more legal problems than it’s supposed to solve.

20. Yes, for obvious reasons.

21. No, because part of our State’s budgeting morass is caused by this kind of “targeted” funding.

22. No, for the same reason above.

23. No for obvious reasons

24. No. This is clear bullshit.

25. Yes! 2/3, “super-majority” requirements are at the heart of our budget problems.

26. No. See 25.

27. No! See 20 and 24.

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