Sunday, March 6, 2016

Welcome, March '16

Welcome, gentle readers to the thirtieth edition of Robbinsense.

Among the shockwaves of the 60s was the realization that our own government, which for generations we had revered, could not be trusted. This has produced a national passion of outrage over the phenomenon of “lying politicians.” But while observing a steady stream of this, we seem to tolerate it from those favored politicians who tell us what we want to hear. We offer them a free pass. 

The latest electioneering cycle has produced a bumper crop of case studies. This most extraordinary and most entertaining campaign season has finally raised Charlie Jones, uber-iconoclast, from his sleep. This brings Robbinsense from hibernation. 

Robbinsense will publish periodically as the muse strikes. If you wish to be notified of new posts, contact the publisher; otherwise, just stop in for a pique. If you enjoy an article, please pass our site on to your friends; and don’t hesitate to insert comments---this is a "public forum". (Under “Select Profile” you may select “anonymous” or input your name under “Name/URL”. Leave “URL” blank---unless you have one. If all else fails, send an email to the publisher. Posted comments cannot be altered; they can only be deleted. If you wish to edit a comment, post your corrected comment and notify the publisher by email.)

Happy Reading

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